MyKAD SDK is a Windows Based ActiveX DLL which allows you to transfer personal information from MyKAD to your application
Package includes:
- 1 x PC/SC Smart Card Reader/Writer(USB interface)
- ActiveX DLL for VB and VC++, very user friendly, no smart card knowledge needed.
- MyKAD Capturing/Registration Software (with source code), runs on MS Access Database. This program shows how you can capture MyKAD information and save them into database, including the photo image data
- Sample program source code
- Name, Gender, D.O.B., Old and New IC#
- Full Address (include POSTCODE)
- Birth Place
- Race and Religion
- Photo
Screenshot from the MyKAD Registration System (with source code):
Suitable for:
- Human Resource System and Payroll System for employee registration
- Condo/Office/Factory Visitor Management System
- Door Access System
- Hotel Management System
- Clinic/Hospital System